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发表时间:2016-12-23 作者:雷火电竞官方网站 浏览次数:



Professor at Aalborg University


Prof. Huai Wang is currently an Associate Professor and a research trust leader with the Center of Reliable Power Electronics (CORPE), Aalborg University, Denmark. His research addresses the fundamental challenges in modelling and validation of the power electronic component-level failure mechanisms, and application issues in system-level predictability, condition monitoring, circuit architecture, and robustness design. He has co-edited a book on Reliability of Power Electronic Converter Systems published by IET in 2015, and co-authored a book on Capacitors in Power Electronics Applications – Sizing, Modeling, and Reliability, to be published by Wiley in 2017. He has filed four patents in capacitive DC-link inventions, and contributed to more than 100 SCI/EI-indexed publications, including a few concept papers in the area of power electronics reliability.

Prof. Wang received his PhD degree from the City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China, in 2012, and Bachelor degree from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China, in 2007. He was a visiting scientist with the ETH Zurich, Switzerland, from August to September 2014, and with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA, USA, from September to November 2013. He was with the ABB Corporate Research Center, Baden, Switzerland, in 2009.

Prof. Wang was the recipient of the Richard M. Bass Outstanding Young Power Electronics Engineer Award from the IEEE Power Electronics Society in 2016, for the contribution to the reliability of power electronic conversion systems, and the Green Talents Award from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research in 2014. He is currently the Award Chair of the Technical Committee of the High Performance and Emerging Technologies, IEEE Power Electronics Society. He serves as an Associate Editor of IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics and IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics.


With the increasing use of power electronics technologies, the automotive and aerospace industries have brought stringent reliability constraints on power electronic converters because of safety requirements. Today, many energy and transportation applications require power electronic systems with low return rates during a service life of 20 years or more. The renewable energy sectors are also following the same trend to reduce the cost-of-energy by reducing the maintenances. More and more efforts are being devoted to improving power electronic systems to account for reliability with cost-effective and sustainable solutions.

This seminar will introduce the recent progress in the multi-disciplinary research activities on power electronics reliability, and the associated limitations, challenges, and opportunities. It will mainly cover the following aspects: the motivations for highly reliable power electronic systems for electric energy conversion; key research directions in the area of power electronics reliability; state-of-the-art reliability analysis methods, and reliability-oriented design and control for power electronic components and systems; present research limitations and challenges, and future research opportunities. A few case studies and ongoing research activities will also be discussed throughout the seminar.

讲座时间:2016年12月28日(周三) 上午9:00-11:00

讲座主题:Power Electronics Reliability




